Ewaste Drop Zones
If you only have a small amount of ewaste, it might be easier to find a local ewaste drop zone. For larger quantities, contact us to arrange collection.
Where to drop off ewaste

Local Ewaste Drop Zone
eWastec head office is located in Seaford (VIC)

National Ewaste Drop Zones
Our partner and co-regulator Ecycle Solutions have Drop Zones for computer and TV recycling located around the country.

Ewaste collection
eWastec provide collection services to all corporate businesses, schools, councils and government owned facilities around Australia.
Get a Quote For Your Ewaste Collection
If you have ewaste that requires recycling but you’re not sure whether to drop it off yourself or have it collected, the information below may assist you in your decision.
If you have household ewaste such as electrical appliances or tools, we can collect these, however as it requires a truck and driver there is a cost associated with this service. It may be easier for you to use an ewaste drop zone for your ewaste, either directly at our processing branch in Seaford (VIC) or if it is scheme based ewaste (e.g. computers / TV’s), use the national network of ewaste drop zones provided by our partner Ecycle Solutions. Feel free to contact us for a collection quote.
If you are a business, government body or school that has larger volumes of ewaste (typically over 250kg) then it would be best to contact us to arrange collection. If you prefer, you can use the contact form to provide us with more information on the type of goods you have. This will assist us in our conversation with you regarding collection by either our fleet or our logistics partners with nationwide coverage. Our ewaste drop zones are also available to business for smaller volumes.