Our Ewaste Services

Whether it’s ewaste collection, drop off, permanent ewaste cages, data destruction or assistance in developing an ewaste plan, we’ve got your ewaste services covered

What We Do

Ewaste collection

eWastec provide collection services to all corporate businesses, schools, councils and government owned facilities.

Certified Destruction

eWastec are conscious of the need to protect your highly sensitive information.

Tailored Solutions

Do you have a confidential recycling project that requires sensitivity in handling the entire process from collection to destruction and recycling?

Get a Quote For Your Ewaste Collection

Computer / Laptop Recycling

As one of the world’s highest users of computers,  Australia has a growing computer and laptop waste issue as new models supersede old technology.

Mobile Phone Recycling

The proliferation of mobile phone makes this an increasingly important part of recycling. We collect SIMM cards, mobile phone and tablet chargers/accessories.

Television Recycling

Electronic waste is produced at up to three times that of normal household waste production, and TVs are a huge source of this waste.

Printer / Photocopier Recycling

There are a significant number of parts and non-renewable resources that can be recycled and reused in printers and photocopiers for other IT devices.

Scrap Metal Recycling

Electronics and electrical equipment include a huge range of non-renewable metals such as copper, aluminium and brass that can be reused.

Certified Destruction

We ensure we protect the privacy of your data in electronic waste by destroying the hardware (if required) as we process the eWaste materials.

Contact Us

9 Apsley Place Seaford VIC 3198

1300 85 93 84

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